Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Pierre Fonterme

[France] (b /d ?)

A Poster by Pierre Fonterme..
With some well known activity as an Architect during the late 20's and 30's in the region of the South West of France (his birth town was Biarritz) , he appears in the year of 1935 already in the Island of Madagascar, where together with his Architect work we find some incursions into the Graphical Design World with a postage stamp in 1935 , at least one poster and several beautiful wood engravings ...

Wood engravings as illustration of a 1936 book from the known Madagascar Poet Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo. (pages 42/43 of the ebook..)
Any Additional data is a Great Help to build something that could look more like a small but well structured biography... I could only pick fragments of the Artist life . without the possibility of share with You the most important details of his education, birth,death,etc..

Madagascar 1935 "Air Mail" (24,1) [Engr ( Cantilou)][Typo (Island design and values)][Photo (Vaugirard, Paris) the rest] Sc(C1,...,C24)


  1. The wood engravings are by his daughter Eve-Pierre Fonterme

    1. thank you for your comment ; I ended my work in this blog in 2018 but the comment remains here for people to see it . Thank you , again!

    2. In fact, Eve Fonterme was his wife (I am his grand nephew).

    3. Thank you for your comment.. I ended my work in this blog in 2018 but your comment remains here for people to see it.. Thank you again!!

  2. Alan Taylor alantaylor17@gmail.comJanuary 2, 2025 at 1:48 PM

    WRT the June the 4th comment by Anonymous that Eve was Pierre's wife he/she might be interested to know that I have an oil painting of Paris signed 'Eve P Fonterme 1949'. If you reply by email I will send a photo of the painting to be sent to you

    1. Hello Alan, I'm Eve's grand grand daughter and I'm trying to recollect all of her paintings.
      Is it the one you own ?

  3. Hello Anonymous, Eve was my grand grand mother :) Do we know each other ? You can contact me at this email address
