Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Gerard Kiljan

[Netherlands] (b 1891/d 1968)

Telephone designed by the Artist
"After a thorough education on the Quellinusschool , Kiljan became an apprentice lithographer in the lithographic printing Faddegon in Amsterdam...He took classes at the Fine Arts Academy also in Amsterdam and reached high records for decorative signs in 1914 and 1916. (...) He then began to teach at the Academy in 1918 and in the Rotterdam Academy in 1920... in 1926 he began to work in the Advertising field, with several important contracts...(...) he was not so productive as some of his Art colleagues ,because he was more focused on Education and teaching..."


Netherlands 1931 "Child welfare" (4,4,4) [Photo] Sc(B50,...,B53)

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