Monday, May 30, 2016

Michel Engels

[Luxembourg] (b 1851/d 1901)

"Michel Engels was a illustrator, painter and art teacher who is remembered principally for his sketches of the fortifications of Luxembourg City and for co-founding the 'Cercle artistique de Luxembourg'. Engels studied Art at the 'Athénée' where he was one of the last students instructed by Jean-Baptiste Fresez, considered to be Luxembourg's greatest 19th-century artist. Benefitting from a State grant, he then went on to study at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts...On his return to Luxembourg, Engels became an art teacher at the Athénée, gaining the status of professor in 1895. (...) Side by side with his academic career he became a highly appreciated creative artist, sketching in pencil or pen and ink, sometimes adding color. (...) In addition to his own historical drawings, he illustrated books and magazines and wrote accounts of his travels to Budapest, Munich and Vienna or to Italy and Switzerland. (..) He also published several illustrated works on art and contributed articles to the German press."


Luxembourg 1891 "Grand Duke Adolphe" (10,1) [Recess] Sc(60,...,69)

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