Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Carl August Liner

[Switzerland] (b 1871/d 1946)

"Carl August Liner was born in a wealthy family . He studied from 1890 to 1893 at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts under Johann Caspar Herterich , who gave him painting classes,and  Paul Hoecker...(..) from 1897 to 1899 he traveled through France and Italy ... (..) in 1906 , he settled  in St.Gallen and in 1913 he became one of the Founders and President of the Swiss Painters and Sculptors Association...(...) In 1914 his son Carl Walter Liner († 1997) was born, and soon began to follow his footsteps. (..) Liner painted landscapes, rural people, especially children, designed stamps and posters, and also worked as Magazine Illustrator."


Switzerland 1937 "Pro- Juventute" (4,4,2) [Photo (Courvoisier)] Sc(B87,B88)

Switzerland 1938 "Pro- Juventute" (4,4,2) [Photo (Courvoisier)] Sc(B92,B94)

Switzerland 1940 "National Day and Red Cross fund" (4,4,1) [Photo (Courvoisier)]  Sc(B100)

Switzerland 1940 "Pro-Juventute" (4,4,3) [Photo (Courvoisier)] Sc(B107,...,B109)

Switzerland 1941 "Pro-Juventute" (4,4,2) [Photo (Courvoisier)] Sc(B114,B115)

Switzerland 1941 "Pro-Juventute" (4,4,2) [Photo (Courvoisier)] Sc(B122,B123)


  1. Mein Interesse an Schweizer Kunst ist sehr leidenschaftlich. Cuno Amiet, Augusto Giacometti, Félix Vallotton sowie Giovanni Giacometti sind wichtige Künstler für mich. Seit einiger Zeit sind auch Vater Carl August Liner und Sohn Carl Walter Liner in mein Forschungsfeld getreten. Sehr spannende Anfänge haben sich mit den beiden in der Schweizer Kunstgeschichte aufgetan. Und ich bin ganz erfreut zu bemerken, das Carl August Liner auch Briefmarken gestaltet hat. Auf Auktionen
    haben ich schon viele Werke von den beiden Künstlern Carl August Liner und Carl Walter Liner begutachten dürfen, nun werde ich nach den Briefmarken Ausschau halten.

    1. Good Night...
      Thank you for your kind comment...I am not an Art expert or even an Art student...My only goal with this blog was to give some visibility to those who are hidden behind the small pieces of Art we collect in our hobby...there are in fact many known Artists who in a given moment of their life's have designed stamps, contributing with original works,drawings or paintings...and I am sure that this part of their professional life's is sometimes neglected,only having value among Postage Stamp Collectors... the blog is now in a "standby" Mode , waiting for me to have more time to continue this research project... I would like to have other conditions to make this blog and I think that it's goal deserve them , but I have to live with the total indifference of great part of my hobby colleagues and always have a smile on my face , because this is for the moment a pioneer project (made at a global scale)... but in the end , messages like your's give me an "extra boost" of energy to keep doing what I must do... Yes , I'm now going to do another post !!! Thank you, again...!!
