Wednesday, February 4, 2015

José Moreno Benavente

[Spain] (b 1905/1981)

José Moreno studied at the Granada School of Arts and crafts ,where he graduated in Art History.. In the Madrid National school of Graphical Arts he specialized in Engraving, with teachers like the Famous Sanchez Toda..Then he went to Paris ,where he continued his Engraving studies for two years  in the "Institut de Gravure", where he met some of the Great French engraving Masters..London was his next stop, working for some time in Waterlow and Sons Limited... in 1931, with just 26 years ,  he traveled to Buenos Aires , where he met Joaquin Marcó , at time Chief of  the Department  responsible for the Chilean production of Notes and Stamps ( in the future "Casa de La Moneda"..) who invite Moreno  to work with him.. For 44 years José moreno worked in the "Casa de La Moneda" , until his retirement in 1975... 


Chile 1934/1939 "Foreign Air Mail" (21,9,9) [Recess] Sc(C30,...,C50) [ Image credit of StampWorld ]

Chile 1941 "4th Centenary of Santiago de Chile" (5,2,2) [Recess] Sc(211,...,215)

Chile 1947 "Centenary of the National Anthem" (1) [Engr (José Moreno)][Recess] Sc(249)

Chile 1947 "400th Birth Anniversary of Cervantes" (1) [Engr (José Moreno)][Recess] Sc(250)

Chile 1956 "25th Anniversary of Santa Maria Technical University" (3,3,1) [Recess] Sc(299)

Chile 1962 "World Cup Football Championships , Chile" (4,2,2) [Recess] Sc(340,341,C247,C248)  [ Image credit of StampWorld ]

Chile 1967 "AIR / Birth Centenary of Ruben Dario (Nicaraguan Poet)" (1) [Recess] Sc(C273)

Chile 1967 "National Afforestation Campaign" (2,1) [Litho] Sc(363,C272)

Chile 1967 "50th anniversary of Lions International" (3,1) [Litho] Sc(364,C275,C276)

Chile 1967 "AIR MAIL / International Tourist Year" (1) [Litho] Sc(C278)

Chile 1967 "Birth Centenary of Cardinal Caro" (2,1) [Recess] Sc(366,C279)

Chile 1968 "150th Anniversary of the Battles of Chacabuco and Maipu" (2,1) [Litho] Sc(367,C280)

Chile 1968 "Agrarian Reform" (2,1) [Litho] Sc(368,C281)

Chile 1968 "Molina Commemoration" (2,2,2) [Litho] Sc(369,C282)

Chile 1968 "40th Anniversary of Chilean Automobile Club" (2,1) [Recess] Sc(372,C284)

Chile 1968 "225th Anniversary of the Chilean Mint" (4,4,4) [Litho] Sc(373,374,C288,C289) [ Image credit of StampWorld ]

[ I have some doubts in some stamps engraved by José moreno, but with no indication of the Designer.. I must do some more research about this ...]

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